General Information
You must make an appointment for a repeat prescription. Your doctor has a medico-legal obligation to review your medical condition/situation. Most prescriptions provide sufficient medication to last until your condition needs to be reviewed by your doctor.
You need to make an appointment with your doctor to gain or renew a referral. This allows the doctor to review your medical condition/situation and to ensure the relevant specialist gets your up-to-date medical information, whilst also fulfilling a legal requirement by the doctor. Specialists generally require a new referral every 12 months.
Test Results
Your results are your responsibility, although we do ensure that all results are reviewed, and we have a recall system in place for results which require an appointment with your doctor. If we do not call you for an appointment, and you wish to be informed of your doctor’s instructions regarding your results, please call the surgery and speak to the Practice Nurse. Our Practice Nurse can be contacted between 1-2pm daily for results. We ask that you do not assume that your results are normal if we have not contacted you. If you require a copy of your results, your doctor’s permission will need to be obtained before a copy can be released to you.
Donnybrook Medical Services believes in looking after your health the best we can. That’s why we send out reminders and run a recall system for both routine and significant health issues. Reminders are sent out for annual checkups, including 75+ Annual Health Assessments (Bulk Billed), Care Plans (Bulk Billed) and Cervical screen reminders.
Feedback & Complaints
If you think we are doing a good job please let us know so we can continue the good work. If there are any aspects of the practice that you are not happy with, feel free to discuss this with your doctor or the practice manager.
Alternatively, you may wish to phone or write to :
Health and Disability Services Complaints Office,
GPO Box B61, Perth 6838
Phone: 1800 813 583
Privacy Policy
This practice is committed to meeting the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles. In accordance with those guidelines, we undertake to provide you with the highest standard of treatment and care while also protecting your privacy and your personal health information.